24-04 Lively

Download to Color Section 4 of the 2024 Mandala of the Year

We celebrated the Chinese New Year on February 10, 2024. It’s the year of the Wood Dragon. Throughout the year we will be exploring different traits of the wood dragon. This month: Section 4: Lively.

The Cambridge Dictionary defines “lively” as: full of energy and enthusiasm; interesting and exciting. When I think of dragons, I rarely think of the as just sitting on a rock someplace, mulling about their life choices. Instead, I see them as flying freely wherever they want to go, full of fire and energy. And to be able to see a dragon…at least in movies or shows, they are definitely interesting and exciting to watch.

This month’s section of the 2024 MotY encourages us to fire up our energy and enthusiasm towards something that makes our heart sing. Even if we only have 20-30 minutes a day for it, over time it will put us miles ahead than if we didn’t do it at all. Actually it has been shown that even 10 minutes a day on something is highly beneficial than trying do it all less frequently and in bigger chunks of time. I do that when I want to clean out my fridge. Rather than spending 1.5 yucky hours on it in one day, I spend just 10 minutes a day for a week, and by the end of the week, it’s all done…with a whole lot less stress…and with a much lower yuck factor.

In 2024, we are encouraged to joyfully explore our creativity. The coloring of these sections is intended as one way of doing just that. Feel free to play with new and/or different ways to “color”. As you become more comfortable with being creative, let it spill out into all areas of your life.

BTW: Coloring in the lines is optional!

An Invitation

I invite you to color along with me this year as part of what I’m calling “A Journey into Joy” with all of my “Mandalas of the ___” (day, week, month, year). If you’re interested in more of a self-exploration approach to coloring, check out my “Coloring Mandalas as Meditation”.

Feel free to share you colorings on social media with the hashtag #2024MotY. I’d love to see your colorings. Follow me on FB and IG (@themandalalady)


The Mandala Lady
inspiring and encouraging creativity, curiosity, and play through the art of mandalas

ps: I would love to see your colorings and your progress. if you post these at all on social media use the hashtag #MOTY2024.

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